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About Us

In 2008, I had the good fortune of reconnecting with one of the kindest individuals I have ever known. I'll never forget our first meeting, and the friendship that developed. For the next 9 1/2 years, I was blessed to work with Tim Barker, and the fine folks at Graphic Dimensions. It was through that relationship, and a constant commitment to improving the marketing results of his customers, that Tim and I were able to build the foundation of GDI Flyers, and what is now FlyerCracker - a marketing platform dedicated to helping Realtors and their staff quickly and easily create professional feature sheets and postcards for their listings.


Today, we continue to build on Tim's legacy for always improving on what is, and never forgetting who comes first - you, the customer. We are passionate about our platform, our printed products, and most of all, our world class customer service, and an unending commitment to satisfying our clients. 

I miss my friend dearly, and all the good times, and some tough times too, that we shared. Although often a daily struggle, Tim was able to manage his mental illness for many years, sacrificing his time and energy for others with an unrelenting commitment to being the best in his field
. Our resolve to finish what was started, and Tim's endless support of our shared vision, helps us continue to provide you with world class tools and support today.


We look forward to the opportunity to prove ourselves to you, just like Tim did over 18,000 times creating professional virtual tours for his clients. Tim, we will miss you, but your legacy lives on in our work, our memories, and in our hearts.






Charles B Beasley

Co-Founder, GDI Flyers
Owner, FlyerCracker, Inc.

In memory of our friend and colleague, Tim Barker
Co-founder, GDI Flyers
Tim Barker Graphic Dimenions
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